Hot school meals and water in school
Lunches and snacks
All children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals. Meals need to be ordered by parents at least 10 days in advance via the ParentPay app.
The school is able to offer hot meals at lunch time for children in Key Stage 2 through Chartwells, these are priced at £3.09 per day. Parents need to order and pay for meals at least 10 day in advance via the ParentPay app.
There is a menu outlined for the week with a range of choices and these can be ordered online. There are some guides to help you with ordering meals below. Alternatively if your child would prefer, they are welcome to bring in a packed lunch to eat in the hall at lunchtime. Please can we ask that no nuts are sent in to school as we have several children with nut allergies.
Click here to see latest menu.
Your child might be eligible for free school meals. Click here to find out whether your child qualifies for free school meals and how to apply.
How to order hot meal and pay - on a mobile
How to order hot meals and pay- on a computer
All children in Early Years and Key Stage One are entitled to a piece of fruit or raw vegetable at playtime. Children in Key Stage Two are welcome to bring in a fruit or vegetable snack in their lunchbox to have at playtime.
Water is vital throughout your child’s day. All children are welcome to bring in a water bottle and will have access to it throughout the day. Please can you ensure that their bottles are named.
Nut-free school
Birchwood Grove is a NUT FREE SCHOOL. We have children in our school with severe nut allergies. As a result of this we are asking that everyone is mindful when packing school lunchboxes. If someone has an allergy it is not just eating nuts that may be a problem but also touching them or even smelling the breath of someone who has eaten them. So please can you ensure there are no products containing nuts in lunchboxes - this includes items such as Nutella and pesto.